5 ways to love yourself this week

5 ways 20131030 final

Small things can make massive impacts. That’s why making a conscious effort to show yourself some love in just five small ways can be awesome boosters to your happiness and wellbeing! This week, try these:

1. Do: Walk barefoot in the grass

Disengage from technology and all things fast-paced. Get close to nature by feeling its roots between your toes and breathing in its fresh air.

2. Eat: Umeboshi plums

“Ume-whatta-what?” I hear you say. Here’s a simpler name – Japanese pickled plums. Although the strong acidity of these babies can be quite overwhelming at first, believe me when I say that the benefits that they reap are worth any squeamish face you may be forced to pull.  Among other things, the plums are extremely alkalinizing and are strong stimulants for digestion. Word is that they’re also great for hangovers!! Have one of these natural medicines every day as an awesome preventative health measure. Still not convinced? What if I told you Miranda Kerr eats these? I rest my case.

3. Play: “I spy” by Mikhael Paskalev

My ultimate happy time tune right now. This song switches on all my body’s cues to dance, smile and sing at the top of my lungs… regardless of where I am. I love the lyrics “To fall is connected to trying”. Word Mikhael, word.


4: Give: To a cause you’re passionate about

The act of giving to others is very conducive to a balanced and feel-good mind. This week, recognise an issue that touches you – whether its poverty, illness, a natural disaster, etc – and give something towards it. Small change counts. When you realise how good it makes you feel, you will realise that the act of giving is too an act of receiving. Total win-win situation. This week I’m going to donate to the recovery of the recent bush fires that occurred in New South Wales.

5: Say: “Old ways won’t open new doors”

Don’t accept things as they are if you’re not happy with them. Be proactive in improving aspects of your life that don’t serve you by thinking about what you can do to make positive change.

Have a glorious week! xxx